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Doorphone planel KDC1915MDoorphone planel KDC1915M
Doorphone planel KDC1915M

The KDC1915M is the "SATELLITE" of KDC1905M keyboard - it allows you to extend the KDC1905M system with further inputs.

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Doorphone panel KDC1905MDoorphone panel KDC1905MDoorphone panel KDC1905M
Doorphone panel KDC1905M

KDC1905M doorphone keypad - combines a touch panel keyboard with a built-in control panel and a wide range of Master - Slave functions.

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Doorphone panel KDC1935Doorphone panel KDC1935Doorphone panel KDC1935Doorphone panel KDC1935
Doorphone panel KDC1935

KDC1935 doorphone keypad - combines a touch panel keyboard with a built-in control panel and a wide range of Slave functions.

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