Identifier working in the UNIQUE 125kHz system. It contains a unique 64-bit code (18446744073709551616 possible combinations). Designed for cooperation with KDC3000, KDC1805 and KDC1905 keyboards.
details add to briefcaseIdentifier working in the UNIQUE 125kHz system. It contains a unique 64-bit code (18446744073709551616 possible combinations). Designed for cooperation with KDC3000, KDC1805 and KDC1905 keyboards.
details add to briefcaseRFID identifier working in the UNIQUE 125kHz system. It contains a unique 64-bit code (18446744073709551616 possible combinations). Designed for cooperation with KDC3000, KDC1805 and KDC1905 keyboards.
details add to briefcaseDesigned to work with the KDC1804 doorphone keypad, which is equipped with a contact reader. It has a rigid plastic handle that allows you to wear the ID as a key ring. It also works with readers/controllers from other manufacturers, provided that the ...
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